The URFA dues structure for 2022 is as follows:
- For Member groups of the URFA with more than 300 Members:
$1.00 for the first 300 Members. - For Member Groups of the URFA with less than 300 Members, but more than 100 members:
$1.50 per member. - For Members of the URFA with 100 Members or less:
$2.00 per Member.
The Court Battle continues in September and the NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees
does not have the funds, at this point, to continue the battle, unless donations come pouring-in.
It is rumored that the City may use a ‘Nuclear Option’, which would be No Option at all !
So, those Retirees who may consider themselves ‘SAFE’, at this point, may be in for a big surprise if RETIREES lose OUR next battle with the City in September.
The Attorneys for the NYC Organization have to be paid, in order to prepare for whatever the City is going to try to foist upon Retirees. To date, The NYC ORG. does not have the funds to continue.
The URFA, as an ‘Umbrella’-Association’, representing 25 associated groups, is very important in this battle, and Retired Firefighter Groups are even more important, as OUR groups ensure that the URFA is recognized as a major contributor in OUR court victories, thus far, against the City.
Firefighters have not come this far in supporting the legal action, to think WE have done all that WE can. WE have been ‘lightening the line’ for many years, and this is OUR chance to continue what WE know how to do best.
The Alliance, which is the Insurer of the MAP Plan, has filed an Amicus brief, with the Court, in support of the City’s [and MLC’s] Traitorous decision against ALL NYC Retirees.
The URFA is considering filing an Amicus brief in support of the NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees. More details and information need to be assessed, to see if the URFA can afford to do this. The idea has been presented to the NYC ORG. and they would welcome a supporting Amicus Brief.
In Friendship and Brotherhood,
Paul Cinquemani, President
Ken Dolan, Corr. Secretary