John Baeza posted that he was going through some of his Dad’s things and found this heartfelt commentary by FF Eugene M. O’Kane, E58/ L26 Spanish Harlem, written in the face of manpower reductions and wholesale fire company closings during the War Years.
by Eugene M. O’Kane
From the ocean at Rockaway
to the shores of New York Bay,
East to the Nassau Line,
West to Brooklyn Shrine,
North to the Bronx again,
And South to Maiden Lane,
stand the Companies and their Braves
unequivocally, they’ve made the saves.
For over a century they’ve led the show,
without quarter from that terrible foe.
Ten a year no more no less
have died for others in distress.
As the alarm sounds, the Braves will pray,
that it will not happen again today.
Yesterday it happened in number seven,
I’m sure the Braves are together in Heaven.
Tomorrow it may be number nine,
even though the outlook is fine.
Gone are the horses and the bell,
the Braves remain and fight the hell.
It has gotten real heavy lately,
the Poli’s aren’t stately.
They say the Braves are chumps,
cause they’ll always take the lumps.
Four Braves instead of five,
how can the people stay alive?
The Braves will meet this test,
as they always give their best.
In the cellars, the Braves will crawl,
even though the writing is on the wall.
Up the ladders they will ascend,
to save the people from a fiery end.
Dwellings, Lofts, Warehouses, Tunnels, Piers,
the Braves have entered all without any fears.
Fires, Crashes, Collapse and a wreck,
the Brave whispers, “What the heck.”
Tho’ John Q. Public will be shyer
they’ll say, the Braves never tire.
They will get me before I choke,
as they struggle though the smoke.
When the five weeks go flying by,
which Companies’ Braves are going to die?

Lt. Ray Brown L-26-2

From Thomas Klaproth